Thomas Carlyle
The French Revolution: A History
(Prabhat Prakashan Aug. 9, 2018)
President Henault; remarking on royal Surnames of Honour how difficult it often is to ascertain not only why; but even when; they were conferred; takes occasion in his sleek official way; to make a philosophical reflection. 'The Surname of Bien-aime (Well-beloved);' says he; 'which Louis XV. bears; will not leave posterity in the same doubt. This Prince; in the year 1744; while hastening from one end of his kingdom to the other; and suspending his conquests in Flanders that he might fly to the assistance of Alsace; was arrested at Metz by a malady which threatened to cut short his days. At the news of this; Paris; all in terror; seemed a city taken by storm: the churches resounded with supplications and groans; the prayers of priests and people were every moment interrupted by their sobs: and it was from an interest so dear and tender that this Surname of Bien-aime fashioned itself; a title higher still than all the rest which this great Prince has earned.' (Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire de France (Paris; 1775); p. 701.)