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Frank Hinks

The Vicar's Chickens

Paperback (Perronet Press Nov. 1, 2020)
The struggle between good and evil is taken up by the Vicar and the nasty witch Griselda. When the witch Griselda sends fireballs on the garden of The Old Vicarage, Snuggle (by mistake) magics not only the boys but the church and Vicar to the Land of Ramion. The Vicar becomes a child again, learns not to fear a thing, and dancing up to the witch calls her "Auntie Griselda" and (while she is in a state of shock) takes her magic staff with surprising consequences.
Tales of Ramion
1909938173 / 9781909938175
8.8 oz.
6.8 x 8.5 in.

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