Dane Coolidge, Maynard Dixon

The Texican

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Nov. 26, 2015)
At an age when most men are still “wet behind the ears,” Pecos Dalhart, broad-shouldered, unflinching, experienced in the cowboy craft demanded the respect of older men. Fresh from Texas, arriving in Geronimo County, Arizona, he found himself caught up in a cross-branding feud between former cattlemen friends. And branding just happened to be a cowboy craft at which Pecos was especially adept. Was double-crossing a double-crosser or stealing from a thief really wrong? He made his choice—one of many from which he would learn. Two chance occurrences altered his directions. The first was the sight of Marcelina García. His Texas cowboy disdain for those with Hispanic surnames faced its first of several coming challenges, from which he would emerge a better man. The second was a surprise gift subscription to a radical newspaper, one charging the common man to rise up against his wealthy suppressors and their established order—heady fare for a barely-schooled cowboy. And then an occurrence that was not chance saw Pecos arrested and falsely charged with cattle rustling. His broad shoulders, his fearlessness, nor his cowboy skills could win this fight. He would need help.
Old West Classics
1519547463 / 9781519547460
9.6 oz.
6.0 x 0.32 in.

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