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The Keepers
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Dormaine G
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Dormaine G

The Keepers

language (Creativia Dec. 5, 2015) , 3 edition

After young Connor is gifted with superhuman abilities, her life changes. When she learns of others like her, Connor sets on a path to discover her true origin.

Soon, she understands that her whole life has been a lie. The dreaded Inhumans, who have been here for longer than anyone can remember, are coming for her. And among them, a powerful adversary only known as Ronin.

In a world of powerful villains and fragile friendships, are Connor's powers a gift or a curse?


★★★★★ - "Witty and engaging."

★★★★★ - "An excellent young adult paranormal novel."

★★★★★ - "Looking forward to the sequel."

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