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Aaron Chandler

Kindness Pencil : Sorry

language ( May 17, 2020)
Kindness Pencil—Book2—is a children’s book about the power of the word—Sorry.

This book addresses a number of childhood bad behaviors such as stealing toys, lying and being jealous.
Kindness Pencil gives you an insight as to how you could teach children
that such behavior is not appropriate and not acceptable.

If you ignore this kind of behavior, your child will be convinced that bad behavior does not really matter.
This could lead to serious consequences later in the child’s life.

You need to empower your child to see himself/herself as a responsible person
who can make amends when he/she has done something wrong.
Whilst emphasizing that the word—sorry should not be taken for granted,
this book subtly conveys the message that by saying sorry and owning up to their mistakes,
children learn how to repair relationships.

The best book for raising honorable children.

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