E.E. Smith

Spacehounds of IPC

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform May 10, 2017)
AGOOD many of us, who are now certain beyond a doubt that space travel will forever remain in the realm of the impossible, probably would, if a rocket that were shot to the moon, for instance, did arrive, and perhaps return to give proof of its safe arrival on our satellite, accept the phenomenon in a perfectly blasé, twentieth century manner. Dr. Smith, that phenomenal writer of classic scientific fiction, seems to have become so thoroughly convinced of the advent of interplanetary travel that it is difficult for the reader to feel, after finishing "Spacehounds of IPC," that travel in the great spaces is not already an established fact.
1546622179 / 9781546622178
19.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.

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