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Wilderness Wars
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Barbara Henderson
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Pokey Hat
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Barbara Henderson

Wilderness Wars

Paperback (Pokey Hat Aug. 7, 2018)
What if nature fights back? Still in a daze, I take it all in: the wind, the leaden skies, the churning moody sea. And, far in the distance, a misty outline. Skelsay. Wilderness haven. Building-site. Luxury-retreat-to-be. And now, home. When her father’s construction work takes Em’s family to the uninhabited island of Skelsay, she is excited, but also a little uneasy. Soon Em, and her friend Zac, realise that the setbacks, mishaps and accidents on the island point to something altogether more sinister: the wilderness all around them has declared war. Danger lurks everywhere. But can Em and Zac persuade the adults to believe it before it’s too late? Praise for Wilderness Wars Wilderness Wars slow-builds menace from its nail-biting opening to its stunning apocalyptic climax. This is a golden eagle of a book—it grabs you in its talons and won't let go. A thought-provoking and often frightening study of what happens when you mess with Nature and Nature decides to fight back. And how faith, family and friendship can forge the right path. Olivia Levez Author of The Island and The Circus
1911279343 / 9781911279341
9.9 oz.
5.1 x 0.5 in.

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