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Ruth Fielding at the War Front

Alice B. Emerson

Ruth Fielding at the War Front

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Nov. 6, 2015)
Ruth continues her work for the Red Cross and is soon transferred to a hospital that is on the war front. Ruth faces the very real danger of possible death but soon has a greater concern. Ruth asks a friend whether there is any news of Tom Cameron and learns that he has disappeared in Germany—and is suspected of working for the Germans! Ruth is shaken but certain that Tom would never betray his country. Ruth becomes acquainted with the Countess Marchand and her son, Major Marchand. Ruth trusts the Countess completely, but is suspicious that her son might be working for the Germans. One day, Ruth is walking along a road when a strange note is dropped from a plane. The note states, "Don't believe everything you hear." It is written in Tom Cameron's handwriting. Ruth realizes that Tom must be in on some secret mission in German territory. "Halt!" was the sudden command. Ruth soon has an unexpected ally who has information about Tom. The two concoct a daring plan which requires Ruth to travel into enemy territory in disguise so that Tom can be rescued. Ruth willingly agrees to the plan, but will she make it out alive?
1519117353 / 9781519117359
7.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.

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