Horatio Alger Jr., AlwaysWrite Ent.
Presents From Horatio Alger Jr.
(AlwaysWrite Ent. Jan. 25, 2014)
Having placed several of Horatio Alger, Jr. works on Amazon.com, AlwaysWrite Ent. are delighted to have come across these little gems of some of the authors’ short stories and poems. We have taken the liberty of combining them into one volume, and gifting it with the title ‘Presents From Horatio Alger, Jr.’. In total, there are seven poems – St. Nicholas; Voices of the Past; Fair Harvard; A Welcome to May; Apple Blossoms; John Maynard: a Ballad of Lake Erie; and Carving a Name – the six short stories are – White-Faced Dick: a Story of Pine-Tree Gulch; Whitmarsh’s Revenge; The Boy in the Bush; The Midnight Ride; A Brush With the Chinese: and What Came of It; and A Thousand a Year. They are each interesting and memorable – as is their creator.
Horatio Alger, Jr.(1832–1899), wrote over 100 poems, short stories, and novels during his lifetime, including four adult novels and one adult novella. He gained notoriety when his friendship with ‘William Taylor Adams’, a boys’ author, changed Horatio’s interest to writing for the juvenile market. Alger’s first book for young people, “Ragged Dick, or Street Life in New York,” was a huge success, securing the author’s fame among the youth of America. After this success, Alger devoted his writing to his ‘formula, rags-to-riches’ books for boys.
Further information on this prolific author will be found in the Foreword by AlwaysWrite Ent.
Many of the books offered by AlwaysWrite Ent. are provided exactly as the author presented them in their original format. All works have been entered, and edited by hand -- not merely scanned. They have been spell-checked, and punctuation corrected where necessary.