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The Cat Who Moved a Mountain

Lilian Jackson Braun

The Cat Who Moved a Mountain

Paperback (Gardners Books July 15, 1992)
After five years of legal formalities in gossip-ridden Pickax, Jim Qwilleran has officially inherited the Klingenschoen fortune. In search of a summer's peace, Qwill and his two Siamese cats head for the Potato Mountains. But Qwill finds controversy - one side of the valley is a haven for the descendants of Prohibition Moonshiners, the other home to developers eager to turn the Potatoes into a giant tourist trap. One of the Taters, as the locals are nicknamed, has been imprisoned for the murder of a millionaire developer, but Qwill is convinced the wrong man is in jail. Koko, Yum Yum and Qwill sniff out treachery amidst the pines...
Jim Qwilleran Feline Whodunnit (Book 13)
0747239282 / 9780747239284
4.2 oz.
4.5 x 0.7 in.

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