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Golden Age in Transylvania, The

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Maurus Jokai

Golden Age in Transylvania, The

Paperback (Fredonia Books (NL) Sept. 3, 2004)
A fascinating and entertaining story set in seventeenth century Transylvania revolving around events taking place subsequent to the coronation of a somewhat reluctant Prince Michael Apafi, whom the Turks raised to power. "The story is absorbingly interesting and displays all the virility of Jokai's powers, his genius of description, his keenness of characterization, his subtlety of humor and his consummate art in the progression of the novel from one apparent climax to another." - Literary World, London Maurus Jokai (1825 - 1904) was a Hungarian novelist who took part as a journalist in the revolution of 1848. He wrote about 200 novels, including Timar's Two Worlds, Black Diamonds, and The Romance of the Coming Century.
1410107043 / 9781410107046
14.9 oz.
5.0 x 0.8 in.