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Natural Selection: Forces of Nature

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Elizabeth Sharp

Natural Selection: Forces of Nature

(SomeSharpWords Aug. 3, 2012)
Average, plain-bodied Amelia Hoffman has resigned herself to a life of mediocrity, unable to escape the shadows cast by her all-too-perfect siblings. Worse, her feelings for her brother’s best friend are getting stronger. Everything changes after the brutal murder of her close friend. Suddenly, Amelia’s life is transformed and she is thrust into a wondrous and frightening new world of myths and legends. As she explores this new world hidden within the layers of her own, secrets are revealed. When her body miraculously changes overnight, Amelia is forced to hide in her home for her own protection. But as danger circles closer, Amelia has to figure out who is committing the ruthless homicides. Otherwise, she could be next.
0615672892 / 9780615672892
12.5 oz.
5.5 x 0.6 in.

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