C.S. Daley
The Shadow Men
( May 21, 2011)
Curtis is only 17. When his parents left him in the mountains with the other children he had no idea he would some day be forced to lead them on a march across mountains and ice in search of a haven from the shadow men.
Jessica went looking for proof adults were still alive. When she finds a book that talks about a war no one remembers she knows she must find Curtis before he reaches the Icelands.
Josh escapes the ravers and finds himself in an unlikely quest into the heart of the shadow men’s world. When he befriends a boy who possesses unnatural speed and a gift for killing the shadow men’s creatures.
Tiffany is locked away deep in the cells of the shadow men compound. When a shadow man decides it is time for her to die, she discovers she has something the shadows fear buried deep inside her. She can do magic.
Markus is hearing voices. He knows it is only a matter of time before the shadows end his life. The voices keep whispering secrets. Secrets about humans who can perform powerful magic called incarnators. Secrets about him.
In the land of Rathian the wall has always been there to protect them. Keeping the darkness out, protecting them from monsters. Hiding them from shadows. In a land where magic once ran wild, the people of Rathian have forgotten how to use it. Forgotten the monsters. Forgotten the shadow men. When the wall comes down it will be up to Curtis, Jessica, Josh, Tiffany, and Markus to find their magic. Find their destiny and rally the children of Rathian to push the monsters back through the wall and into the Dark Lands