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Emily v Papito Libro de las Escripturas: Para las Ninas

Alexandra Elizabeth Stubbs

Emily v Papito Libro de las Escripturas: Para las Ninas

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Jan. 29, 2016)
The Seeds of Love Scripture Book introduces Children to the Bible through daily 10 minute lessons. (English & Spanish) The first book in our series, Seeds of Love, introduces children to the Bible using the analogy of seeds growing, while understanding how the Word of God takes care of us all. The Scripture Book is a daily devotional to teach children that building a life with Jesus is a day-to-day journey. And, it can start with spending just 10 minutes or more a day with God. The scripture book (daily devotional) has space to write notes as the child thinks about how to apply the scriptures to their life. A great activity to do with Mom & Dad, grandparents, older siblings. Perfect for home schooling!
1523447974 / 9781523447978
4.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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