Kathleen C. Phillips, Sean McCollum

How to Write a Story

eBook (Kathleen C. Phillips March 30, 2012) , 2 edition
Got a story you've been itching to put on paper? Reading How to Write a Story, now in its second edition, is a great place to start the process. In print for 14 years with Franklin Watts/Scholastic, this book by Kathleen C. Phillips remains timeless and valuable. It takes aspiring authors—and writers who might like a refresher course—on a thorough tour of what it takes to conceive, draft, revise, and refine a good story, using clear examples of specific techniques and tips. It sets out “building plans” that guide writers step-by-step from the glimmer of an idea, to a gripping beginning, to a complicated middle, and finally to a satisfactory ending. It provides ready-to-write suggestions that will have both an immediate and lasting impact on the quality of your writing.