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The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt

The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted as saying "You get more joy out of the giving to others, and should put a good deal of thought into the happiness you are able to give."World-renowned, respected, and admired, Eleanor Roosevelt made many lasting and meaningful contributions to the welfare of mankind which have stood the rigorous test of time. Her humanitarian efforts on behalf of children, the oppressed and the poor earned her the love of millions throughout the world. She was, as President Truman said, "First Lady of the World." Her entire life was dedicated to others, even in the face of serious setbacks. When her husband's promising career seemed doomed by the crippling effects of polio, her help and encouragement gave him the will to persevere that eventually brought him to the Presidency of the United States. Both in private and public life, Mrs. Roosevelt manifested an unequaled concern for others. She taught at a school she had set up for poor children, ran a factory for the jobless and was an ardent advocate of equal rights--when that was an unpopular stand to take.As First Lady, Mrs. Roosevelt was an energetic and outspoken representative of the needs of people suffering from the Great Depression. Many of her ideas were incorporated into the New Deal Social Welfare Program. During World War 11, she expanded her activities to the world stage, working at the United Nations to help found UNICEF and establish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Later, she was named chairman of the Human Rights Commission and, at age 61, was asked to serve as a delegate to the first meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations.The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt is an interesting and insightful look into this long and eventful life.

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