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Raising a Toddler 2 in 1 Box Set: Discipline Toddlers in a Loving Way and Ready to Grow Up Everything You Need to Know About Potty Training’’

Nancy Foster

Raising a Toddler 2 in 1 Box Set: Discipline Toddlers in a Loving Way and Ready to Grow Up Everything You Need to Know About Potty Training’’


Are you stressed and excused, does raising your toddler feels more like a job than an enjoyable experience? Let me teach you how to enjoy being a parent and raise a happy toddler.

Parenting is hard work! But it can also be fun and rewarding. There are many things you can do to help build a safe, stable, and nurturing relationship with your child. So how do we thrive during these years rather than count down the minutes until naptime and bedtime each day?

What if I told you this toddler parenting book will drastically alter the way you see, interact, and deal with your toddler, that you’ll enjoy their “terrible twos” and “tyrannical threes” that your kids will almost completely stop having tantrums after you read and implement the tricks from this book and when they do have a tantrum, you could get it to end in under a minute without following them into the crazy town?

Raising a Toddler Box Set includes:

Discipline Toddlers in a Loving Way: Know What They Understand, How They Develop Mentally, and How to Deal with Bad Behavior

In Discipline Toddlers in a Loving Way, parents and caregivers learn to shift and reframe their perspective on toddler behavior in order to be able to get a clear idea of where toddler’s behaviors are coming from. Parents and caregivers will learn that what often is viewed as challenging “problem” behaviors is really just communication. Our toddlers are communicating with us always, in the best way they know how: their behavior.

You can expect detailed guidance on how to manage your emotions from this book, as well as affirmative messaging to remind yourself of your own achievements as a parent.

Inside you will find:

  • Toddler psychology and developmental phases to help parents and caregivers better understand their toddler’s behaviors
  • Specific information about how to guide your toddler through better eating, sleeping, and playing routines and habits that will last a lifetime
  • Big Feelings Strategy for parents and caregivers to help their toddlers (and themselves!) safely work through the temper tantrum phase, including prevention and reconnection
  • The risks and ineffectiveness of punishment and alternatives that promote healthier outcomes both now and, in the future
  • How to handle common issues, such as toddler sharing and tech use.

Ready to Grow Up Everything You Need to Know About Potty Training

Successful potty-training is not about employing a handful of tricks. It isn’t about discipline and firmness either. Rather, it is about knowing how to predict your child’s emotions during each stage of the potty-training experience. You will need to know how to place yourself in their tiny little shoes and accept their challenges. This, naturally, may not feel easy. This is why you may derive great use from this book.

Inside you will find:

  • Why potty-training is necessary and how to get your child to become interested in using a potty
  • The best time to start potty-training and how to know if your child is ready for it
  • Step by step guide and various methods you can use to motivate your child to use the potty
  • How to prepare yourself and your toddler and how to use planning and scheduling in your advantage
  • How is potty-training closely connected to your child psyche and how can bad training leave some consequences
  • How to cope with the worst potty-training problems, understanding the differences between day-time accidents and wetting the bed, nighttime training and finally ditching the dippers

If your goal is to guide and teach your toddler how to be the best person they can be, then the best way to do that is to guide them lovingly and respectfully right from the start. So scroll up, click the bye button and begin disciplining your child in the right way.


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