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Debra Kuhl

Native American Tales

Paperback (America Star Books July 19, 2013)
Native American Tales have a very rich cultural history their own. In the telling of tales, many things can be taught or learned. This is one of the ways that many tribes kept their cultures alive; it was not just a collection of stories, but of their beliefs, their ways, and their lives. Many legends are still told; some old, some new, but all are part of the beautiful culture that the indigenous peoples of North America have had and still have. Enjoy these thirty-eight delightful Indian stories from various tribes retold as they have been handed down from tribal storyteller to children of the tribe for countless generations. Find out how the medicine Man resurrected Buffalo. Learn the origin of corn. Discover how the first strawberries we created. Find out why the Owl is wise and why the rabbit has a short tail.
1462681840 / 9781462681846
7.7 oz.
5.5 x 0.4 in.

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