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With the British Legion: An Action-Adventure Trilogy

G.A. Henty

With the British Legion: An Action-Adventure Trilogy

eBook (The UK Bureau Feb. 1, 2017)
TRILOGY - Three of G.A. Henty's war adventure books are in this Kindle eBook: With the British Legion & Through the Sikh War & With the Allies to Pekin With the British Legion, A Story of the Carlist Wars (First published 1903)The little-known story of the British Legion under Sir de Lacy Evans in Spain. The expedition was a failure, and that from no want of heroic courage on the part of the soldiers, but from the most scandalous neglect and ill-treatment by the Government of Queen Christina. Within six months of their arrival in the Peninsula nearly 5,000 -- half of the Legion -- had either died from want, privation, or fever in the hospitals of Vittoria, or were invalided home. The remainder, although ill-fed and with their pay nine months in arrear, showed themselves worthy of the best traditions of the British army. Only at the end of their two years' engagement, finding all attempts to obtain fair treatment from the Government unavailing, they took their discharge and returned home. The history of their doings as described in this story.Through the Sikh War (First published 1903)Among the many wars by which, province by province, the Empire of India was won, few, if any, were more brilliant and hard fought than those which terminated in the annexation of the Punjaub. It is satisfactory to know that the conquest of the Sikhs—a brave and independent race—was not brought about by any of the intrigues which marred the brilliancy of some of Britain's early conquests, or by greed for additional territory, but was the result of a wanton invasion of the states under Britain's protection by the turbulent soldiery of the Punjaub, who believed themselves invincible, and embarked upon the conflict with a confident belief that they would make themselves masters of Delhi, if not drive the British completely out of India. It was fortunate for Britain that the struggle was not delayed for a few years, and that there was time for the Punjaub to become well contented with British rule before the outbreak of the Mutiny; for had the Punjaub declared against Britain at that critical period it would assuredly have turned the scale, and the work of conquering India must needs have been undertaken anew. With the Allies to Pekin, A Tale of the Relief of the Pekin Legations (First published 1903)The campaign which ended with the relief of the Pekin Legations is unique in its way, carried on by an army made up of almost all European nationalities. The quarrel originated in the rising of a mob of ruffians known under the name of Boxers. The movement spread like wildfire, and developed into the wholesale massacre of the missionaries of Northern China. The Empress, seeing the formidable nature of the rising, and hoping to gain by it the expulsion of all foreigners from her dominions, allied herself with the Boxers, besieged the various Legations, and attacked Tientsin, which stands upon the river by which the trade with Pekin is carried on. Admiral Seymour, with a force of little over a thousand men, marched to the relief of the Legations. The railway, however, was cut both before and behind him, and after severe fighting he retired upon a Chinese fortress a few miles from Tientsin, where he maintained himself until he was relieved by another force which had arrived by sea and had destroyed the forts at the mouth of the river. Tientsin itself was captured by the allies after one dayʼs hard fighting, and the army then advanced to the relief of the Legations.

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