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Sarah Butterbridge and the Temporal Tempest

Christopher Wadley

Sarah Butterbridge and the Temporal Tempest

Sarah Butterbridge, ordinary secondary school student, found out that she was secretly a kidnapped alien with telepathic powers, and had an amazing adventure in outer space with a band of part time adventurers called the Suburban Spacemen. But now, everything's back to normal. Oh, except Fred, one of the Spacemen, accidentally used a time machine, and changed some bits of history. Some quite minor bits. Like preventing some chap called Harold from getting shot in the eye with an arrow. And stopping King John from signing a document called "Magna" something. Oh, and putting out a fire in Pudding Lane, London. Nothing important... Now, Sarah and the Spacemen are hopping around in time, trying to put wrong things that only went right because Fred messed up and changed the past, present and future. They're going to meet four Kings, fight in battles, catch a plague, discover the real identity of Robin Hood, and have a quite tricky time buying paper or laundering their clothes. Plus, they're being pursued by a charming villain who turns out to be from much closer to home than Sarah could ever have imagined... Join Sarah for her second funny fantasy adventure, from the author of 'Doctor Who: Gone Too Soon.'