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Harry Harrison


Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform May 15, 2014)
Everything happened at once. The turbine howled, the spinning tires screeched on the road and the car crashed open the gate. Jason had a vanishing glimpse of the open-mouthed guards, then they were skidding around the corner of a building. A few shots popped after them, but none came close. Driving with one hand, Kerk reached under the dash and pulled out a gun that was the twin of the monster strapped to his arm. "Use this instead of your own," he said. "Rocket-propelled explosive slugs. Make a great bang. Don't bother shooting at anyone—I'll take care of that. Just stir up a little action and make them keep their distance. Like this." He fired a single, snap-shot out the side window and passed the gun to Jason almost before the slug hit. An empty truck blew up with a roar, raining pieces on the cars around and sending their drivers fleeing in panic. Science-fiction adventure in the unique Harry Harrison style --- cutting-edge, realistic, humorous at times, and always exciting! 1950's SF at its best!
1499563051 / 9781499563054
13.9 oz.
6.0 x 0.6 in.

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