Elizabeth Prentiss
Stepping Heavenward
( Oct. 11, 2015)
Elizabeth Payson Prentiss (1818 – 1878) was an American author, well known for her hymn "More Love to Thee, O Christ" and the religious novel Stepping Heavenward (1869). Her writings enjoyed renewed popularity in the late 20th century.
Mrs. Prentiss has earned a high reputation as an authoress who presents religious truth in the form of narratives attractive to juvenile and often older readers. In this she shows how the course of Providence is full of incidents, which, however grievous or joyous in themselves, rightly improved, at once bring the Christian nearer to heaven, and ripen him for it.
It shows a profound insight into the methods of God's dealings with his children, and the workings of a sinful nature and divine grace under the Severe disciplines of life. It is a book to help "heavenward" the erring and struggling soul; to teach useful and needed lessons to the unhappy and the afflicted; and to inspire all with nobler views of duty and higher aims of life.