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The Black Cat: By Edgar Allan Poe - Illustrated

Edgar Allan Poe

The Black Cat: By Edgar Allan Poe - Illustrated

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Oct. 25, 2017)
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Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding. Their pages fall off easily. Some of them even use very small font size of 6 or less to increase their profit margin. It makes their books completely unreadable.

How is this book unique?

  1. Unabridged (100% Original content)
  2. Font adjustments & biography included
  3. Illustrated

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe "The Black Cat" is a story by Edgar Allan Poe. It is a study of the psychology of guilt, often paired in analysis with Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart". In both, a murderer carefully conceals his crime and believes himself unassailable, but eventually breaks down and reveals himself, impelled by a nagging reminder of his guilt.
1975733452 / 9781975733452
4.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.1 in.

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