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The Tree & The Little Girl

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Thieu Pham, Thoai Pham

The Tree & The Little Girl

language (TIBOGA LLC April 25, 2013)
Have you ever had someone who walked into your life and forever carved a special place in your heart? Have you ever had a best friend that you can never forget? Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts and makes you smile the same time when you think about him or her?

This is a story about a lasting friendship and an undying love. A friendship that is true and pure. A love that is unconditional and forgiving. This is a story about keeping promises regardless of circumstances, time, and space.

"The Tree & The Little Girl" is intended for people of all ages. Everyone should be able to identify with the characters and relate with the deeper message and the universal theme of friendship and love. It is easy to follow and illustrated with silhouettes that beautifully accompany the text. Once you pick the book up, you will want to continue to the end to find out how it ends.

Hope you enjoy it.