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Lolly Molly And The Lollypop Tree

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Pamela Jones

Lolly Molly And The Lollypop Tree

eBook (Pamela May Jones Feb. 1, 2013) , 1.06 edition
3 Fairy Tales In One, All Free This Week. :-)Lolly Molly is the fairy in charge of all the lollipop trees in the fairy garden. She has to water them with a mixture of fairy dust special one for her trees and flowers and water from her little stream which trickles through her garden.As she walks a long she meets various friends from her village of Celrin, like Millie Pillie the Caterpillar, Willow Warbler who looks after the baby Willow Warblers, Flitter Flutter the butterfly and they go to see Pitter Patter the rain fairy and ask her for some rain for the trees and plants.We meet Little Willie Wonder the junior wizard who is making various size toadstools for them to live in. Catrin Clover who puts the four leafed clovers in the fairy clover patch for some lucky human to find. Her sister Celine the cygnet fairy who looks after the baby swans and Clara the clock fairy who looks after all the clocks in Celrin especially the towns musical clock.

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