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Church Songs for Kids: Five-Finger Piano

Age 4-8
Grade PK-3

Hal Leonard Corp.

Church Songs for Kids: Five-Finger Piano

Paperback (HAL LEONARD CORPORATION June 1, 2000)
(Five Finger Piano Songbook). Features five-finger arrangements of 15 sacred favorites, including: Amazing Grace * The B-I-B-L-E * Down in My Heart * Fairest Lord Jesus * Hallelu, Hallelujah! * I'm in the Lord's Army * Jesus Loves Me * Kum Ba Yah * My God Is So Great, So Strong and So Mighty * Oh, How I Love Jesus * Praise Him, All Ye Little Children * Zacchaeus * and more.
0634017578 / 9780634017575
6.4 oz.
9.0 x 0.2 in.

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