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The Quest for the Great White Quail

Age 8-11
Grade 3-4

John R Erickson, Gerald L Holmes

The Quest for the Great White Quail

Hardcover (Maverick Books (TX) Dec. 31, 2017) , Illustrated Edition
Everyone knows that a dog's gotta chew what a dog's gotta chew. But when Hank's doggie urges have him chomping on plastic (including Little Alfred's toy truck) Hank knows he's got to get things under control. Then Beulah, the long-eared lady dog of his dreams, shows up at the ranch and Hank is thrilled. At last, he thinks, she's finally given up her infatuation with Plato the Bird Dog. But, it turns out that Plato is missing, and Beulah wants Hank to help find him. Can he put his doggie dreams aside and do the right thing?
Hank the Cowdog (Book 52)
1591882524 / 9781591882527
11.2 oz.
5.5 x 0.6 in.

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