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Beyond the Rainbow Flash: Book 1 in the Flash Travelers Series

Andrew Connan

Beyond the Rainbow Flash: Book 1 in the Flash Travelers Series

language ( May 1, 2009)
Fun fantasy adventure for kids 7 - 12.

When a boy named Sam goes to the animal shelter to adopt a dog he gets a lot more than a common canine. Randolph Coyote the Third and his teddy bear pal, Bobbie Bear, have remarkable abilities that enable them to take Sam through flashes, portals to other realms, on a quest to solve Sam’s greatest problem: an imagination that makes everything scary. The worlds they visit are even more amazing than anything Sam could have fantasized.
On their funny and exciting journey they encounter a dangerous pirate, a punishing storm, and the world’s most powerful and evil sorcerer. They also meet the Grumpy Old Man, who terrifies Sam but gives him the advice he needs to solve his problem.
Sam’s travels not only change him but open him up to new opportunities, and provide the reader with an intriguing new perspective on the universe.

"A wonderful adventure!"
"A humorous plot filled with simple action. Even so, it is well developed..."
"This is a delightful read for adults as well as children."

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