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Let's Talk About Friendship

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Carolyn B. Anderson

Let's Talk About Friendship

Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC Sept. 23, 2015)
We all make friends throughout our lifetime. This book discusses friendship by emphasizing the importance of valuing face to face relationships with friends more than valuing the technology to communicate with them. Also discussed is the pressure involved in friendships, the pain, the joy, and the things that can destroy a friendship. Children and teenagers ages 10 and up are encouraged to value their friends, choose them wisely, be ready to walk away from situations and relationships if necessary, and be alert to envy and jealousy which can destroy a friendship. An abundance of Bible verses reinforces everything that is taught in the book. Review questions and word puzzles are at the end of each chapter to reinforce the information just learned.
1608626113 / 9781608626113
8.5 oz.
8.5 x 0.3 in.

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