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Children's book - New York City

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Alice Wood

Children's book - New York City

language ( May 4, 2014)
Elvis is a young boy who lives in an isolated house at the New York City with his daredevils. All the daredevils and Elvis are orphans and their parents passed away when they were young. The city was known for low class level people and high class level people and they were not allowed to mingle among themselves. One day Elvis meets a young beautiful girl who apparently belonged to the higher class. They became friends despite the fact that it was not allowed for her to meet people of the lower class. Sooner or later, Elvis is arrested for dating Mercy and jailed. But after a few days he is released. He however continues to date Mercy secretly and without knowing discloses the secret, and he is rearrested again.
After a few hours in jail, he is realized as the town anticipated floods that were believed would kill all the people who were in the isolated houses and only those at the top empire would survive. So Elvis is released from prison yet again, hoping that the floods would eventually kill him. But when the floods came, Elvis saved all the refugees who had come to seek help at the empire and he managed to climb and open all the doors and window and the whole town was saved from the floods.
The people at the top empire were amused by his efforts and eventually allowed him to marry Mercy. From that time hence, all the people of New York City lived together without looking down on the less fortunate. Elvis teaches us to appreciate all people regardless of their status because problems can happen to anyone and we would all need each other’s help.