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The Last Paladin: The Magic Awakens

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Robert James

The Last Paladin: The Magic Awakens

Paperback (Independently published Jan. 14, 2015)
Both are master swordsmen. Both wield magical blades. One has been fighting for centuries. One has just begun. One fights for mankind. One fights for its destruction. A rift in the fabric of our reality is being opened into the underworld. Hell hounds, trolls and worse are slipping through the slowly widening rift. The last time a rift opened was over a thousand years ago, and it took an army to close it. Now the search begins for the last Paladin, a knight with the ability to wield magic as well as a blade. He must embrace his destiny in order to save the world from the coming darkness. The Last Paladin is a fast paced, action packed adventure with suspense interwoven throughout pulling the reader into each new page.
152153053X / 9781521530535
16.0 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.

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