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Dinosaurs: Amazing Fun Facts and Pictures

David Kay

Dinosaurs: Amazing Fun Facts and Pictures

language ( Dec. 9, 2013)

Dinosaurs: Amazing Fun Facts and Pictures

It is difficult to find kid’s books that children actually want to read over and over. Parents and teachers are always looking for resources that allow them to teach their children something useful while keeping their attention. This is one of those kid’s dinosaur books that allow children to learn while immersing themselves in an exciting, attention-grabbing subject.

It is commonly believed that dinosaurs were enormous creatures with massive strength who ruled the earth for many years, but what if they didn’t all fit that description? What if some dinosaurs were as small as turtles? What if some had tiny brains and were never as smart as a fifth grader living today?

This book about dinosaurs enlightens children as well as adults on an exciting group of animals known as dinosaurs. As paleontologists work to study the remains of these creatures from around the world, some surprising insights into the world of the dinosaurs continue to surface. This kid’s dinosaur book offers children a look into the life and times of these amazing creatures.

This book uses insights drawn from discoveries of paleontologists past and present to bring children into the Mesozoic Era. This was the period of time in which the dinosaurs lived on earth, and the world was very different than it is for children living today. Just how different and in what ways it was different are questions that can be found within the pages of this book.

Children as well as curious adults can open this book and discover all of the following:

  • An introduction to some of the most interesting herbivore and carnivore dinosaurs known to exist.
  • Understandable descriptions of words related to dinosaurs. You won’t need a dictionary to make your way through this book!
  • Information regarding one of the most exciting careers in the world: paleontologists. What do they do, and why are they so important to a kid’s dinosaur book?
  • Details regarding life as a dinosaur. What would you eat if you were a dinosaur? Where would you sleep, who would your friends be, and how would you spend your time?
  • Insights into how dinosaurs moved and how different types of dinosaurs differed in movement.

    What do your children know about the dinosaurs? Do they know what Paleontologists do and where our current information about the dinosaurs came from? If not, you need this kid’s dinosaur book to bring knowledge and fun together for your little ones, and for yourself.

    Kids have a million questions about the world around them, and they are always encouraged to use their five senses to learn more about that world. Unfortunately, they cannot see, touch, hear or taste animals that left the earth long before they were born. That is why kid’s dinosaur books like this one are important.

    As you flip through these pages, you will be transported back to a time that you will never directly explore yourself. You will discover that common beliefs about the dinosaurs do not hold true for every animal currently categorized as a dinosaur. You will also see that dinosaurs were dynamic creatures who brought diversity to the earth. Just as no two humans are the same, no two types of dinosaurs were completely the same. They came in different shapes and sizes, just as animals do today.

    The best education is one that you enjoy obtaining. Pick up this kid’s dinosaur book and explore a world that you will never see, smell, taste or touch. This is your ticket to enjoy the world of the dinosaurs.

    Tag: Dinosaur books, Dinosaur Christmas, Children's Book, Adventure Books, Kids Books, Educational Books, Learn, Prehistoric, Reptiles, Books for Kids. Fact Books
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