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Sally Ride: The First American Woman in Space

Age 10-13
Grade 5-6

Tom Riddolls

Sally Ride: The First American Woman in Space

Paperback (Crabtree Pub Co Aug. 15, 2010)
Sally Ride soared into outer space on the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1983, the youngest astronaut and the first U.S. woman in space. Just 32 years old that year, this California girl was already an accomplished astrophysicist when NASA chose her from over 8,000 applicants to join its team of astronauts. Since then, Sally Ride has spent over 343 hours in space.
Crabtree Groundbreaker Biographies (Book 8)
0778725502 / 9780778725503
10.4 oz.
7.2 x 0.5 in.

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