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BUNDLE Books 1 and 2 of: Adventures of a Mouse at Sea

Laurence Lambert

BUNDLE Books 1 and 2 of: Adventures of a Mouse at Sea

...Book 1: Cameron and Momma are swept out to sea and find themselves rescued by two human sailors and a cat. Can they escape, or maybe make friends with someone on board? · The Captain? He's the master of his ship, and he does not like mice. · The Lady of the boat does seem to have some mystical way of communicating with Momma; maybe she can help. · The Cat? Well, he just wants to eat them or have them thrown overboard. And every day, the boat gets farther away from home! Can they escape, can they get home, what adventure lies ahead, and what does Cameron eventually come to desire most?Book 2: Cameron is sailing the Caribbean again here in Book 2 of his adventures, until something goes very wrong and he is stranded on a deserted island.He is a very little mouse, with a very big reputation, but he is completely alone now. Is he clever enough to figure out a way off the island and back to his boat and friends? Do his friends even know he is alive, and will they wait for him?Author:A real sailor wrote these books shortly after setting out on a round-the-world cruise on a 41-foot sailboat in March 2013. The setting for these stories is upon this real sailboat, sailing in real-time to actual places in the Caribbean. The real adventure continues at

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