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For The Love of The Game: I Am Third

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Jimmie Brown

For The Love of The Game: I Am Third

eBook (Jimmie Dale Brown Aug. 5, 2015) , 1 edition
TIM CASEY, the nineteen year old son of a wealthy Cleveland, Ohio industrialist loves baseball and wants to continue to play, either in college or for a professional team. His father insists that Tim go to work in the family business. While Tim loves his father and respects his wishes, he has decided to go to Florida and enroll in a Baseball Academy run by the major league KANSAS CITY BLUE SOX. The Academy is by invitation only and because of Tim's outstanding high school career he has been invited to be a participant. The Blue Sox are looking for ball players and Tim, even though he denies it at first, has a desire to see just how far his talent and ambition will take him. Tim has the ability, but is young, spoiled, and arrogant at first. When called out by the manager and questioned whether he REALLY wants to play baseball, and whether he could ever make a TEAM player, Tim realizes how much he really loves the game. He begs the Blue Sox management for just a chance to show them that he can be a baseball player at this level, and to be a team player. Tim has a conditional contract with the stipulation that he prove he can be a TEAM player.
Tim and Tony also find the church through Larry Wilson, Tim's new friend from the Baseball Academy, who turns out is a very devout Christian. They meet Jerry Thompson, a mature minister of the gospel, and are invited to attend Bible study with him at his home. They are eventually baptized into Christ and the church becomes a very real influence upon them.
When Tim is promoted to a higher level Tim and Linda start making wedding plans in the not to distant future. What Tim doesn't know is that Linda has already started the wedding plans. Our story ends as Tim and Linda are at a romantic dinner at the famous Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee, looking into each other's eyes, and listening to the music from Beale Street.

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