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Lost Indian Magic: A mystery story of the red man as he lived before the white man came

Grace Purdie Moon

Lost Indian Magic: A mystery story of the red man as he lived before the white man came

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Oct. 13, 2017)
“Out in the region of the sage and the pine; in the far reaches of the ever-mysterious desert, the Indian campfires of the long ago heard many a tale well worth the telling. Some there were that have been handed down, through the channel of an unwrit tongue, from age to youth – told, retold, and told again until they come to the hearing of even you and me. Thus the ancient tale of Kay'-yah and the Lost Magic comes to be set down.” The authors, Pasadena, California, 1918. Author Grace Moon was a well known writer of children’s books, with a particular interest in Native American stories. She won a Newbery Honor award for children’s literature in 1929. In “Lost Indian Magic”, she tells the story of a young Native American (Kay’-yah) whose tribe’s magic went missing years earlier and his adventures as he seeks to restore the stolen magic to his people.
1977831729 / 9781977831729
10.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.4 in.

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