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Demons Watch, The Tales of Fayt, Book 1

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Conrad Mason

Demons Watch, The Tales of Fayt, Book 1

Paperback (Corgi Childrens Feb. 13, 2014)
'We're the Demon's Watch, son. Protectors of Port Fayt. Scourge of all sea scum. Don't tell me you've never heard of us?' Half-goblin boy Joseph Grubb lives in Fayt, a bustling trading port where elves, trolls, fairies and humans live side by side. Fed up of working at the Legless Mermaid tavern, Grubb dreams of escape - until a whirlwind encounter with a smuggler plunges him into Fayt's criminal underworld. There he meets the Demon's Watch and learns of their mission to save the port from a mysterious and deadly threat. Can Grubb and his new allies uncover the dark plot in time, or will they end up as fish food in Harry's Shark Pit?
0552572047 / 9780552572040
9.1 oz.
5.1 x 1.0 in.

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