Age 5-10
Grade 1-5

Louise Leblanc, Marie-Louise Gay

Maddie Wants New Clothes

Paperback (Formac Publishing Oct. 10, 2000)
Maddie's clothes are old-tattered and torn, ripped and worn. And they're all too small-she feels like a hot dog that's too big for its bun. Her parents think she's making a fuss over nothing, and send her to school in clothes everyone makes fun of: they call her "Christmas tree" and "flowerpot." Maddie thinks she'll find an ally in her stylish grandmother, but Gran has a new boyfriend and her tastes seem to be changing. So Maddie make radical plans to change her wardrobe, plans that soon get dangerous. Thankfully Gran comes around just in time to save Maddie from herself. Maddie Wants New Clothes is a humorous story that shows how body image affects even young children, and how they can come to have a healthy sense of self.
Formac First Novels (Book 36)
0887805264 / 9780887805264
2.2 oz.
4.2 x 0.2 in.

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