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John Trent

Bedtime Blessings 2

Paperback (Focus on the Family Jan. 23, 2009)
In just a few minutes each night, Bedtime Blessings will help parents practice the biblical model of “blessing” and impart spiritual truths that will last a lifetime. Each bedtime activity is followed by a blessing prayer that will affirm a parent's love and deepen the child's relationship with God. Each book includes 100 easy-to-follow ideas for terrific tuck-ins, including
  • Read-to-me stories
  • Amazing experiments
  • Intriguing puzzles
  • Giggle-making games
  • “Let's pretend” activities
  • Blessing prayers
1589975529 / 9781589975521
6.4 oz.
5.0 x 0.2 in.

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