Teena Raffa-Mulligan, Steeven Labeau
Ben Bumblefoot
(Xist Publishing Oct. 14, 2016)
Ben has been called Bumblefoot for as long as he can remember. It’s not a name he plans to keep. His dearest wish is to become one of the brave knight protectors of Castle Crag, which stands high on a cliff in the land of Faraway. When Princess Moonglow is diagnosed with the contagious fox splots as the royal party is about to set out for the Tenth All-Kingdom Games, Ben spots his chance to prove himself. Can he save the kingdom and his best friend, or will it be just another bumblefoot distaster?
This laugh-out-loud funny novel is filled with hilarious antics and good -natured cheer. Kids will love Ben and his clumsy attempts at saving the kingdom and his best friend.