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The Secret of Strange Waters

Kelly Hall, JS Marx Designs

The Secret of Strange Waters

eBook (BrixBaxter Publishing Sept. 13, 2016) , 2 edition

Unfortunately for Lily Jordan, being a Light Keeper doesn't come with an instruction manual, but neither does being sixteen.

While learning to use her powers, she’s confronted with unforeseen obstacles and forced to break her own rules in order to save her circle of friends.

With her mom’s wedding on the horizon, disturbing visions strain Lily and Talon’s relationship, and tension over Owen’s new habit creates enemies who threaten to expose Lily’s gift. Will death and heartache change everything or worse, ruin the big day?

For Lily, the answers only lead to impossible decisions. Does she embrace her powers and abandon them for false normalcy, or will the secret of the Water change everything?

An Action Adventure Supernatural Ghost Story

Time to find out what awaits Lily ... Click Read Now to find out.


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