Kimberly Marea
Outdoor Games For Kids
( March 24, 2012)
These outdoor games for kids can be played on playgrounds or on sidewalks. Teachers can play these in gym class or on the playground at recess time. They're also nice camping games for kids as well as fun picnic games.
It's good to get kids up and moving around. Old fashioned fun and games does just that. Kids will learn the rules and instructions for playing outside games.
Classic games like hop scotch and jump rope help kids with their balance, agility and hand to eye coordination. Along with being fun, kids work together as a team and learn how to cooperate and interact with each other. Movement and rhythmic skills are also highlighted.
Kids can learn jump rope rhymes, play fun marbles games, learn jacks games, coin games, group games and more.
Let your child flex his muscles and his mind while having fun playing these games.