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A Teenage Enchantress: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

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S B Bartlett

A Teenage Enchantress: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

Paperback ( Feb. 15, 2017)
"My name is Arabella. I've seen and done things that shouldn't be possible in this world." On the day of her sixteenth birthday, Arabella discovers a startling truth - royal magic runs in her blood! Though dubious at first, she soon realizes that spells and magic are her new reality, and that her new home resides in the magical realm of Aquarian Falls. In a matter of days, she unknowingly succeeds in starting a war between her people and werewolves, and destroys the portal between Earth and Aquarian Falls. Determined to prove herself to her people and to right her wrongs, Arabella bravely sets out on a quest to restore the portal and save her people from the werewolves.
1326943731 / 9781326943738
5.6 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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