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African Empires: Volume 1: Your Guide To The Historical Record of Africa

J.P. Martin

African Empires: Volume 1: Your Guide To The Historical Record of Africa

Paperback (Trafford Nov. 21, 2016)

African Empires presents a comprehensive and in depth analysis of the major empires of the African continent over thousands of years. This book penetrates into the various kingdoms and and rich cultures of Africa including East Africa, West Africa, North Africa, South Africa and Central Africa. African Empires brings to life a colorful cast of historical characters including African kings, queens, scholars, religious leaders, artists, warriors and merchants which helped to shape the direction of these great African civilizations. The epic landmark events of Africa are captured and explained in detail to provide a full understanding of this dynamic continent and it's contribution to world history.

1490777946 / 9781490777948
8.2 oz.
5.5 x 0.3 in.

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