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Johann David Wyss

The Swiss Family Robinson

Mass Market Paperback (Scholastic Book Services Jan. 1, 1969) , 1st THUS Edition
The whle Robinson family almost dies in a shipwreck. But the four boys and their parents build a boat and escape before the ship goes down. They reach a deserted island, and set up housekeeping. With tools and firearms stripepd from the wreck to aid them, their tropic fortress is soon complete. Who could foretell the dangers that would soon test their courage or their will to live! JOHANN DAVID WYSS grew up in Bern, Switerland, listening to wonderful adventure tales told by his father. Years later, these stories and Daniel Defoe's ROBINSON CRUSOE inspired Wyss to write THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON -- his world-faous novel of man's struggle to conquer nature.
3.2 oz.
7.0 x 4.3 in.

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