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Laura Buit
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Trafford Publishing
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Laura Buit


Paperback (Trafford Publishing Jan. 16, 2014)
Sprout is what I consider an educational interactive book with a moral that everything created is important no matter how big or small. It begins with a blade of grass, Sprout, learning all the jobs of the things in his backyard, including trees, vegetables, and a honey bee, among others. Through Sprout's adventure, he learns of his own importance. The book has not only science facts but also nutrition facts as well. I believe it would make a positive impact on children of any age. There is a section for drawing or writing the reader's own important jobs and a hidden image in each illustration to keep them involved. I have also included a glossary that Merriam-Webster was so kind to give me permission to use. For the younger readers, the moral will be evident. Although some of the words used may be ones they are not used to hearing, it will provide an introduction to new vocabulary. For the older reader, it has great learning opportunities as well as a moral they can identify with. I hope this book will help children with their confidence, self-worth, and education. Happy learning!
1490724451 / 9781490724454
3.4 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.