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The Monkey Who Couldn't Make Up His Mind

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Sally Huss

The Monkey Who Couldn't Make Up His Mind

language (Huss Publishing Feb. 21, 2016)
A very hungry monkey slips into the buffet line in the dining room of a rustic, jungle resort. The food choices are many, but he is limited to one. What to do? What to do? Down the line he goes, picking first an apple then a pear, next some grapes and a long list of vegetables. With each choice he gives up something he might wish he hadn’t. At the end of the line he is left with one dull potato and a sign that announces, “There is No Going Back!” Oh, how he wishes he had kept that apple.

You’ll have to read the book to find out how his hunger is satisfied and his tears dried and what he learned in the process.

All in rhyme with the most delightful illustrations.

This children’s picture book is part of the wonderful collection of children’s books by Sally Huss.

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