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The Mermaid and the Missing Starfish

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Ellie Summers

The Mermaid and the Missing Starfish

language ( March 18, 2017)
“Megan thought hard about who she could ask about her missing starfish. Who would have seen someone in her garden? Who would have the cheek to pinch her starfish? Who would want to upset her like that?”

Megan the mermaid loves her pet starfish. So, when she goes in the garden one day and finds they are missing, she is very upset. Join Megan on her adventure as she tries to find out where the starfish could have gone and how she can get them back.

The Mermaid and the Missing Starfish is a chapter book all about a mermaid’s adventure as she tries to discover where her missing pets could be. See Megan make new friends as she tracks down her pets and join her as she learns about looking beyond someone’s image to find out who they really are.

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