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My Tiara is Giving Me A Headache!

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Stephanie Dolce

My Tiara is Giving Me A Headache!

language ( July 27, 2013)
After I stopped crying and caught my breath, I stood up and looked at Parker, “I'm tired of feeling like this is a game to you! Don't you know that everyone knows that you are a liar? I'm not even sure you know how to tell the truth! I'm so upset at you for using me as a pawn in your little game. Like its okay to hurt me because those bitches have nothing better to do than to cause trouble! The fact is, see that line right there? You should've never crossed it. I actually liked you for you, not because you are the star quarterback. See, that is why those girls like you. Come to think of it, you guys really deserve each other.

I paused, walked up to Parker, slapped him across the face, “The last thing I want to be is "just friends" because I don't wanna look into your eyes everyday and see a guy I can't have. Let me make it clear though, I don't regret wanting you, I regret letting you into my heart only to have you break it.”
As I started to walk back to the couch, I quickly turned around and looked at Parker one last time, “Just remember, I'm the chance you chose not to take. You know I was the best thing to ever enter your life and you threw it all away just to please some nasty chicks. Feeling pretty dumb right about now, aren't you? And by the way, thanks for apologizing.”

I then turned to Jude , “Can you please take away that piece of garbage out of here? It's starting to stink up the place.”

Not only does she find out how the other girls have it "in" for her, but the guy who she has had a major crush on is about to go against her too!

Will Kellie finally get the last laugh?

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