Ford Madox Ford

The Good Soldier

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform March 22, 2016)
A chronicle of the tragedies in the lives of two seemingly ''perfect couples'' whose lives are far from perfect, this novel was loosely based on two real-life incidents of adultery and on Ford's own messy personal life. Using pre-First World War Europe as its stage, The Good Soldier is the unforgettable story of Edward Ashburnham, his wife Leonora, and their friends, John and Florence Dowell. The eponymous Good Soldier, Edward embodies upper-class English values but behind closed doors carries on a long-running affair with Florence. When Florence’s husband, John, discovers the affair, he sets in motion a series of events both tragic and unavoidable.
153013997X / 9781530139972
10.6 oz.
8.5 x 0.21 in.

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